Herrenkrug-Bridge, Deutsche Bahn, Magdeburg (Germany)
Area of application: Open Steel Bridge
Length of track: 1.400 m Bridge
Material used: 2.200 Bridgssleepers
Country: Germany
Project location: Magdeburg
Owner: Deutsche Bahn
As part of the renovation of the Herrenkrug Bridge in the east of Magdeburg, the superstructure was renewed in addition to major static measures. Around 2.200 custom-made bridge beams were installed for this purpose. The bridge beams were secured with brackets resting on the centering bar. A K- or KS- superstructure with safety and guide rails was used to fasten the rails. The use of FFU synthetic wood sleepers enables a permanent (at least 50 years) and long-term maintenance-free use of the superstructure on the 680m-long bridge over the river Elbe.

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